Cheap Side Dishes

Sometimes it may be hard to think of things to cook for your side dishes. There are many side dishes you can make for cheap. I have a section with some side dish recipes. Here is a list of a few cheap sides. I always make a vegetable for every dinner I cook along with a side dish. If you have a bigger family, I'd suggest making a main dish, two sides, and a vegetable.

  • White Rice- Combine rice with twice as much water in a saucepan. Boil. Cover and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, without uncovering at all.
  • Macaroni and Cheese - I load up on the Kraft brand when there are sales. They taste a lot better than the store brands.
  • French Fries- I think they go well with Hamburger Helpers. To save even more money, make your own french fries. Here is a link to some home made french fries: Homemade French Fries
  • Baked Potatoes- Very cheap side dish. Can top with whatever you like, for example: butter, sour cream, chili, cheese, peppers, onions, etc...
  • Flavored Rice- You can usually buy these for less than one dollar for the store brand. 
  • Pasta Salad- In some stores you can find these for $1. Or you can make you own. Macaroni Salad Recipe
  • Mashed Potatoes- I buy the powdered kind because it is very quick and easy to make. 
  • Biscuits- You can buy the 4 pack of biscuits for pretty cheap. Or if you'd like you can make your own.
  • Stuffing- The boxed stuffing doesn't cost too much for the store brand.
  • Ramen Noodles- A very cheap side dish.
  • Beans- Canned or dried beans make good side dishes. Dried beans just take a lot longer to cook.

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